Emergency Supplies


Knowing you are prepared for an emergency, whether in your home or when you are camping and doing outdoor activities, will give you greater peace of mind. Holiday Sports has everything you need to help protect you and your family in the event of a natural disaster or accident.  In our area, earthquakes, floods and fires are the top causes of emergency situations, but power outages and accidents that stop roadways occur as well. 

 When planning for an unexpected emergency, thinking about your basic needs - medical, food and shelter - will help prioritize your list of important items.  Holiday Sports has ready-to-go First Aid kits; emergency food by Mountain House, long-lasting Datrex bars, freeze-dried (yes, like the astronauts use!), and MRE’s (what the military call “Meal, Ready to Eat”). If you must evacuate your home and find shelter, we carry lightweight “bug out” bag equipment.  These are self-contained kits that can get your through at least 72 hours in a crisis.  Water filtration products are a must if you are in the woods or out on the water.  It’s important to stay dry and be able to cook food in makeshift situations.  We offer waterproof blankets, sleeping bags, tarps, water/windproof matches, and solid fuel cubes by Sterno and Esbit which enable you to cook and heat food, boil water, and start campfires.

Holiday Sports has a full range of emergency preparedness products, across all price points, to get you equipped for any situation!

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